In order to send a Mass Mail The user has to first Import the Mailing list contacts by selecting the Mailing List Import option as shown below.

Adding/Importing a Mailing List contact is a Three step Process. It can done through

  1. Importing From File

  2. Add Emails Manually

  3. Importing From File:

Step 1:Import from File: selecting this option will allow the user to browse and import the list of contacts from .csv File Format.

Step 2: The user can select the list of contacts from the Available list or either has the option to Add New List.Tag the Field id's accordingly and click on the Continue button

<aside> 💡 Adding a New list will create a new list and the added contacts can be shared among different Email Templates.


<aside> 💡 Enabling the Check box option These are my private contacts.Do not share will make these contacts Private and will not be visible to other users.


Step 3: Clicking on the continue button will allow the user to import the contacts to the list (Private Contacts) as shown below.