Please make sure you have administrator access in order to make any changes to Users and other configuration settings. If you have access, you should be see 'Administrator' menu option when you click on your user name at the top-right corner, as shown below.

Please switch to "Administrator" menu to perform all user management actions.

This page covers below sections

  1. Adding a New User
  2. Adding a New User (from Workforce screen)
  3. Remove/Terminate User

Adding a New User

Every licensed user must be associated with corresponding Work-force (Employee) record. So, request your HR department to create Employee record before creating the User.

<aside> 💡 While creating the User record, you would have option to create new Employee record if such Employee is not added yet. However, this will take only basic Employee details and it might be against your HR department standards to create Employee records with only basic details. We suggest you ask your HR department to add Employee records.


Step 1: Choose menu option 'Users & Security' ⇒ 'Add User'

As you can see below, you can either choose existing Work-force record or create new Work-force record with basic details shown below.

Step 2: Provide details and click on 'Continue' button